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Learn to Use Free Adverts for No Cost Web Traffic Building ...


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Learn to Use Free Adverts for No Cost Web Traffic Building

Learn to Use Free Adverts for No Cost Web Traffic Building

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Home Page > Marketing > Marketing Tips > Learn to Use Free Adverts for No Cost Web Traffic Building

Learn to Use Free Adverts for No Cost Web Traffic Building

Posted: Sep 24, 2010 |Comments: 0


One of my favorite ways of no cost web traffic building that works wonders, yet is often underestimated and overlooked, is using free online advertising sites. Can you use these sites to generate traffic, leads, and advertising to build your business? Absolutely. In fact, when I first got started with internet marketing and home business, I built an affiliate network of over 300 personally sponsored affiliates within a matter of weeks using NOTHING but attractive classified ads placed FREE on many high traffic sites.

What kind of website gets the best results with this method of free web traffic generation? Well, similar to traffic exchanges, classified advertising works very well for generating leads and sales through effective splash, lead capture, sales, and affiliate landing pages. But you can also generate traffic to any website, webpage, or blog that you choose. Because classified ads let you clearly target your audience, the traffic that is generated usually converts into leads and sales, as it has for me.

The KEYS to Successful Free Classified Ads?

Use The TOP Sites-The web holds 1000?s of free classified sites on the web, but only a percentage of them are worth your time. There are two things that you want to look for in a classified site.


1- Alexa Rank-Obviously the advertising sites that have the most traffic are going to provide the most free website visitors to you. Look for sites that get plenty of traffic, and stay away from the ones who have not yet built their sites up with a strong user base.

2- Page Rank-Classified ad sites that have higher PR will give you more return that low PR sites. Your ads can get listed by the search engines under any keywords you use in your ads, and higher PR sites get listed quicker and easier. And also, you can increase your link popularity through ongoing classified ads, and high PR sites give the best links and no cost website visitors.

Create Powerful Headlines- In reality, your headline will be the most important part of your entire ad. Why? Because unless it does what you need it to do, the rest of your ad cannot get its job done either. The headline essentially has two jobs; to target your audience and to get them to click on your ad. Use a benefit oriented approach, and immediately tell what problem you solve or what benefit you offer. Also, try to use exciting, attention grabbing words.

Talk About the Customer Benefits- Many people do not understand the keys to professional copy writing, but you can easily master the art of writing great ads with one simply technique. Always think in terms of the benefits that will be gained by your prospect from clicking on the link to your website, page, blog, or affiliate link. Remember, people are not interested in you, but they ARE definitely interested in what you have that can benefit THEM.

Tell People What to Do- It seems so simple that it can often be overlooked, but a simple call to action has been proven time and again to lead to more of whatever action you are trying to get. In the case of classified ads, you are trying to get the readers of your ad to click on your link to visit your site. So, tell them to do exactly that. ?Click the link for more FREE info!? is a simple example of a call to action that can get more people to visit your site?. giving you more traffic.

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Ben Frank Jr. -
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Source: ?http://www.articlesbase.com/marketing-tips-articles/learn-to-use-free-adverts-for-no-cost-web-traffic-building-3332872.html

Article Tags:
classified ads, free traffic, internet business

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