রবিবার, ১৫ এপ্রিল, ২০১২

Government Poised To Provide A Huge Boost To Healthtech Startups

Regina Holliday - Meaningful UseCurrently, the federal government is poised to level the playing field for healthtech startups.?An unprecedented wave of innovative healthtech startups has been developing over the last few years. You can see them at conferences such as Health 2.0,?TechCrunch Disrupt, TEDMED and demo day events that Blueprint Health, Healthbox, Rock Health and StartUp Health host. Nonetheless, the health sector may be the single most challenging arena for startups. Nothing would result in population?health?improvement (and decrease healthcare costs) more than having greater involvement/engagement by individuals in the healthcare process.?The Office of the National Coordinator (ONC), which is part of Health & Human Services could catalyze an unprecedented wave of innovation with a stroke of a pen by strong inclusion of patient engagement requirements in the Meaningful Use requirements.

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